Perth's premium outlet shopping destination with international and national brands
23,469 sqm
Gross lettable area (GLA)2.1m
Annual visits1,959,964
People in total trade area (TTA)All figures are correct as at 30 June 2024
DFO Perth is a single level Outlet Centre located approximately 13 kilometres east of the Perth CBD, in the Perth Airport precinct. The centre comprises more than 100 international and Australian outlet retailers including Adidas, Calvin Klein, Coach, GANT, Kate Spade, Michael Kors, Polo Ralph Lauren, Swarovski, Industrie and Tommy Hilfiger.
DFO Perth, VICCredit: Vicinity Centres
Floor plan
Trade area
Mini major tenants
AdidasBonds OutletConverse Authentic Factory OutletCOTTON:ON MEGAJim Kidd SportsPolo Ralph LaurenSkechersUnder Armour
Stores > 400 sqm, by Sales Group.
Tenant mix by gross lettable area (GLA)
- Mini Majors 20%
- Specialties 79%